a twisted and humorous look at sex, pornography, and the world in general
November 30, 2006
A couple of weeks ago we told you about the bogus Britney Spears porno video clip that was making the rounds. So we thought we owed it to you to give you a little peek at the real Britney’s snatch today.
The pics we have for you were taken Monday night as Britney was getting out of Paris Hilton’s car at a gas station. No underwear of any kind blocked the view as she lifted her leg high enough to confirm without any doubt that this girl shaves herself bald down there. Just click the image to see the rest of the photos.
November 21, 2006
About 25 years ago I knew a group of club girls who all dyed their pubic hair bright pink. Some of the guys I knew made it their mission to collect the full set of ‘pink girls’ and it made for some good times to remove a girl’s panties and discover someone new had joined their little pink clique. So this recent story about someone making a product those girls would have loved brought back great memories.
Betty Beauty, which bills its products as ‘colour for the hair down there’, is making waves in the beauty world with its new range of [tag]pubic hair[/tag] dyes. Founder Nancy Jarecki came up with the idea when she was living in Rome three years ago. She noticed as women left a salon, the colourist would discreetly slip them little brown bags.
“They would receive it with such delight, kiss kiss, and away they would go,” she said. Curious, she asked the receptionist what the women were getting in those little bags and was told “to match down there.” “I thought: ‘Of course, who wouldn’t want to be a true blonde?'”
So she worked with a chemist and toxicologist to develop a gentle, no-drip formulation and speciality application tools. Bettybeauty.com offers five colors: Brown Betty, Blonde Betty, Auburn Betty, Black Betty and Fun Betty (bright pink), and also sells T-shirts that ask: “Is your betty ready?” The firm says its products are not just aimed at women. “Men have betties, too. Everyone’s got one!” Ms. Jarecki said.
I don’t know about everyone having a betty, but I do know there are a few ladies who’ll read about the new easy way to ‘get pink’ and will be smiling at the memories. And this product, unlike some of the things the girls used back then, doesn’t come off if you engage in any sort of physical activity. Neither perspiration nor oral sex has any effect on the color (and it doesn’t non-consensually wind up on the partner!).
November 18, 2006
I have to admit I was very pleased to hear about this one. Maybe it’s just me, but I think that anyone who’s willing to point his own gun at his own balls deserves to have at least one of them blown off. And that’s exactly what happened in Kansas this week.
A 23 year-old man, along with his 20 and 18 year-old helpers, attempted to kidnap a teenager over a dispute about stereo speakers. The oldest assailant first fired a shot at the teen, and missed. Then he shoved his pistol into the waistband of his trousers, safety off, causing it to fire and shoot him in his left testicle.
It gets a little better. Seems that getting shot in the ball caused the man to wince and jerk around a bit. The good new is that this caused the pistol to fire again. Unfortunately the second shot missed his other testicle, but at least it hit his left calf.
The three men were arrested and charged with aggravated attempted kidnapping and conspiracy to obstruct justice, when the moron limped into the local hospital seeking help for his missing testicle.
November 14, 2006
A Thai zoo, which has hosted a couple of pandas for four years, will play [tag]porn[/tag] videos for the male next month to encourage them to breed in captivity. “They don’t know how to mate so we need to show the male how, through videos,” said panda project chief Prasertsak Buntrakoonpoontawee.
Prasertsak said Chuang Chuang, the six-year-old male, would be shown the videos on a large screen when he might be feeling amorous. “We’ll play the video at the most comfortable and intimate time for him, perhaps after dinner,” he said, in hopes that Chuang Chuang would then use the techniques on Lin Hui, a five-year-old female.
November 13, 2006
A court has upheld a Las Vegas city regulation barring erotic dancers from raunchy physical contact with their customers, in a ruling that runs counter to the gambling city’s sinful reputation.
Nevada’s Supreme Court on Thursday reversed two lower court rulings that found the regulation improperly curtailed “expressive conduct” protected by the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.
The high court judges said that even if the constitutional amendment did apply, its protection was not absolute, and added the city measure helps curtail prostitution, sexually transmitted disease, drug offenses and criminal activity.
The city rule bars dancers from physical contact of a sexual nature with customers. The decision echoes a ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last year that backed a California city’s regulation requiring at least two feet (0.7 metre) distance between erotic dancers and the audience.
– Good news in the Pacific Northwest though, as voters in Seattle took a different view this week, rejecting a measure on Tuesday that would require erotic dancers to stay at least four feet from patrons.
November 12, 2006
Dancing and singing [tag]eunuchs[/tag] are knocking on doors in an Indian city in an attempt to embarrass merchants into paying their taxes. And the new shock strategy, in which sari-clad and heavily made up eunuchs accompany officials on their rounds of crowded shopping areas in a country notorious for tax evasion and non-payment, has been declared a success.
The boisterous eunuchs loudly demand that mortified shopkeepers pay up — to the bemusement of scores of onlookers. Those unwilling to pay faced lewd dances, lifted saris, and abuse. “Some paid in cash, while others quickly wrote checks. The shock therapy, which we plan to use sparingly, was a grand success,” said Atul Prasad, a top official in the area where the tactic is being used.
“People may be afraid of them, but they are very much part of society and are useful,” Prasad said, adding that authorities would pay the eunuchs a four percent commission on the total tax collected.
Eunuchs are still common in India, where they live in closed-knit communities. Some are castrated men but others are [tag]transsexuals[/tag] and [tag]hermaphrodites[/tag] who have been ostracized by their families. Also known as hijras, they are widely feared and move around towns and cities in groups and demand money on occasions such as marriage or the birth of a child. They are believed to have occult powers.
November 9, 2006
That’s the message from a leading female lawmaker in the Netherlands who’s asking the government to send Dutch prostitutes abroad for deployment with Dutch troops to help the soldiers relax.
Annemarie Jorritsma, a member for the center-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy and the mayor of the town of Almere in the Netherlands, went on national TV to campaign for the “extra benefits” for the Dutch troops.
She said, “The army must think about how their soldiers can let off some steam.”
Her proposal immediately drew support from the Dutch sex workers union.
But the Vokskrant newspaper quotes an unidentified military spokesman as expressing reservations over the proposal.
He told the newspaper, “I don’t think my wife would like the idea very much.”
There are currently around 2,000 Dutch soldiers stationed outside of the Netherlands, majority of them deployed either in Afghanistan and Bosnia.
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