a twisted and humorous look at sex, pornography, and the world in general
October 16, 2006
Like the South Korean people don’t have enough to worry about with North Korean as a neighbor, now their own government is trying to restrict their god-given right to have sex with a rubber doll.
Here’s the deal. In South Korea you can rent what’s called a “doll experience room” for an hour for just over $26 US (or 25,000 Won). That gets you a bed, a computer. and a well-made rubber sex doll. The dolls are what we call a Real Doll and what they think we call a “dirty wife” for some reason. These are expensive and realistic playtoys we’re talking about here, with the starting price to purchase one being around $6,500 plus $500 for shipping. (Yes, that’s a [tags]Real Doll[/tags] in the photo.)
The doll experience rooms were introduced as a way around the Special Law on Prostitution which went into effect in 2004. So first your country tells you that you can’t fuck the women who are willing to fuck you for money, and now they’re trying to say that you can’t pay to fuck a rubber woman either.
Sometimes I’m pretty sure that this world is just about as fucked up as it would be if some asshole ran the whole thing.
–Note to self: but it’d still be nice to get the licensing rights to a line of Pussycat Dolls made by Real Dolls.
October 2, 2006
How about making love to some cellphone-sounding music coming from your condom-covered cock?
Korrespondent magazine reports that a Ukrainian scientist has invented a new [tag]condom[/tag] with a miniature loudspeaker and motion sensor implanted in the condom’s upper cuff. The volume of the music varies with the intensity of the sex, and the tones change depending on the postions of the partners. Testing so far has shown no danger of electric shock to users of the device.
We don’t know when the Ukrainian condom will be on the market, but you can find a few other musical condoms by clicking the image of the little pig.
September 28, 2006
The things that come out when celebs are suing each other. This week Liza Minnelli’s estranged husband, David Gest, had his ten million dollar civil suit against her thrown out of court. He was claiming that in her drunken rages, Liza used to beat him up so badly that not only was he hospitalized but that he’s been having “severe, unrelenting” headaches ever since. The suit was held to have no merit when Gest’s own medical expert testified that it was a strain of herpes that was causing the headaches. Oh well, David, you may not be able to catch a break but at least you know where you can catch a beating.
September 25, 2006
In a city where barely-dressed prostitutes display themselves in storefront windows, the latest twist is having sex in a car fitted with a bed and set up on poles thirteen feet off the ground. Why, you might ask? Well, evidently because it’s there.
Well, at least it’s there now, since Italian artist Federico D’Orazio pulled the seats out of an Opel Kadett hatchback, put in a double bed, and placed the whole thing on four thirteen foot tall poles. If you’d like to spend a night there, you’ll need to write to the artist and tell him why you want to do it. Couples have written with requests to use the car to propose marriage but also just to engage in some mid-life memories of hot teen ‘parking’ lust. Which the artist says is perfectly safe to do since the structure was designed to be safe during sex. There is a six month waiting list.
September 22, 2006
Walk past the “dick tree” and the electric nipple clips and you come to The Throne, a replica of a reclining rocker that once toured the finest whorehouses in 19th-century France. An attached card says it was used for “group games.” While Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid and Amsterdam all have “museums of the erotic,” the Sex Machine Museum in Prague may be the first of its kind. The museum showcases an exposition of mechanical erotic appliances which were designed to bring pleasure and allow extraordinary and unusual positions during intercourse.
On an area of three floors there are more than 200 objects and mechanical appliances on view, a gallery of art with erotic themes, a cinema with old erotic films, erotic boudoir clothing and various other things related to human sexuality. You’ll see sex machines that are precursors to our modern-day stimulators, chastity belts, iron corsets, and other historical contraceptive devices. Some are demonstrated by mannequins, others speak for themselves. The wide variety of appliances range from intriguing to disturbing.
If you’re planning a trip to Prague anytime soon, you can visit the Sex Machines Museum between 10am and 11pm daily. Remember that no one under 18 is allowed inside. Their address is Melantrichova 18 – 11000 Praha 1, and their phone number is + 420 224216505.
You can also visit the Sex Machines Museum website.
August 22, 2006
Each week the readers on the [tag]Sugasm[/tag] blog site vote on their favorite selected posts from other blogs, and a new list is published each Monday. One of the XLog posts is part of this week’s list, so I thought you might like to take a look at some of the other links they picked.
Top Voted Posts
Skinny Dipping (http://thehiddensides.blogspot.com)
Pretend Forest (http://xantasia.blogspot.com)
Why I’m Happy With “The Cleavage Situation” (http://lustylady.blogspot.com)
Mr. Sugasm Himself
Brian Griffin on Porn (http://sugarbank.com)
Random Selection
Self Love – Njoy (http://nyc-urban-gypsy.blogspot.com)
More Sugasm
Join the Sugasm
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August 20, 2006
Yesterday the World Strip Poker Championship began at the Cafe Royal in central London, with around 200 seated to play “No Limit Texas Hold ’em.” Irish bookmaker Paddy Power organized the event following up on an April Fool’s spoof that generated tremendous interest in actually holding the event. Both male and female players, and from 12 different countries, are competing to keep their clothes on and walk away with the 10,000 pound prize, a Gold Fig Leaf trophy and the title of World [tag]Strip Poker[/tag] Champion. The winner also gets free entry into the 2007 Paddy Power Irish Poker Open, which will have prizes of over one million pounds.
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