If you don’t already know that Texas could wind up with a Jewish governor named Kinky Friedman, you haven’t been watching the news.
The latest development is that this writer of detective novels and leader of The Texas Jewboys, a satirical country and western band, has now been approved to have “Kinky” included with his name on the ballot. Some think Kinky’s campaign is a publicity stunt, but if it is, it’s one being guided by the consultant who helped Jesse Ventura (pro wrestler) become governor of Minnesota in 1998.
Click on the image above to watch one of the “KinkyToons” he’s using to get the message out. This one features some of Kinky’s musician friends–including Willie Nelson, Billie Joe Shaver, Bruce Robison, Kelly Willis, the Dixie Chicks, and Pat Green.
“I support gay marriage,” Friedman said in 2005, “I believe they have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us.”
If you want to know more about Kinky’s platform and his effort to win as an Independent in Texas, check out his website below.
Kinky Friedman for Governor 2006
This is a website for a Dutch advertising agency showing ads for beer, cars and other things on the thighs and cleavage of [tag]prostitutes[/tag]. The agency is actually a fake, and the site was built by a design student who chose satire as his way to protest against seeing too much advertising.
The website also shows ads painted on zoo animals, fish in aquariums, and large floating billboards over popular beaches. Anyone foolish enough to take him seriously, and call the agency, gets placed on hold and played sales messages until they hang up.
Click the image to open a new window with the website. The text is in Dutch but just wait for it to load and then click the “In Stores Now” graphic and you’ll be able to use the menu buttons on the left to navigate the site.
At the end of June I posted a “Funny fucking dance routine” video. In that post I used the word “[tag]fuck[/tag]” a lot to satisfy those who didn’t think I said it enough. Today I found this other video which nicely explains all of the ways that this most excellent word can be used. I thought I’d share it here for all you fuckers who can’t fucking get e-fucking-nuff of it.
I’m all for watching porn movies. I think that masturbation is a good thing. In my younger days I was know to enjoy having a drink or ten. And I’ve always liked to drive fine cars whenever I can. But combining all of those things at the same time can be a problem.
Or at least it was for Minnesota Timberwolves center Eddie Griffin.
A lawsuit filed last week states that he was drunk and [tag]masturbating[/tag] while watching [tag]pornography[/tag] in a DVD player mounted on the dashboard of his Cadillac Escalade SUV when he crashed into a parked Chevy Suburban back in March.
Somehow I know there’s going to be a big outcry and gnashing of teeth over how pornography and masturbation was the cause of the problem. Wrong! The problem was this guy doesn’t know how to manage his vices. You can do what you want to do, Eddie, but you can’t do them all at the same time with no regard to where you are or what else you’re doing.
This is a case of someone with bad impulse control, but I just know the PTB (powers that be) will find a way to gain some anti-porn/anti-sex points over it.
The accident was caught on the surveilance video of the Santana Foods store across the street. The video shows Griffin in the store pleading with witnesses to not call police saying, “I can’t go to jail.” It also shows Griffin admitting he is drunk and doesn’t have a driver’s license, and has him struggling for minutes to put on his sweatshirt and offering to buy a car for the man who’s SUV he crashed into in front of Santana Foods. The news site where I found the story has the video coded in a way that makes it hard to show to you here, but you can watch it on the page below if you want to see for yourself.
Wolves Player Watched Porn, Caused Crash
Here’s a video I think you’ll enjoy. This pretty little barista wanders around offering folks some cream for their coffee. Check out the reactions from the customers when they see where the cream is coming from.
This video is from a post called “Excuse Me, I need a re-fill” on my friend Chop’s blog. You’ll always find a link to Chop On The Lake on my sidebar here because I enjoy his laid-back Southern approach to porn. You should check it out sometime and see if you like it too.
This is a porn blog so some people think I need to say “fuck” and “fucking” a lot more. I figured I’ll try it with this post. Since I’m fucking old enough to remember all of the fucking dances this fuck includes in his fucking routine, it really made me fucking laugh to watch him work his fucking way from the fucking 50s through today. Just click on the fucking video to start the fuck doing his show…
Yanno, it looks like this fuck gets a hell of a fucking workout during the six fucking minutes or so that he performs here. I thought the guy was pretty fucking funny, so I’d think he gets plenty of fucking gigs. Made me fucking wonder why he’s not a bit fucking thinner.
Note to the “you need to use more ‘fuck’ in your posts” people: Okay, I fucking tried it. Not fucking sure how the fuck much I like it. Just fucking seems like extra fucking words to me.
How about you? Did you find this pretty fucking entertaining? Did you miss the fucking sarcasm completely? Click on the fucking comment link below to tell me what the fuck you think.